Saturday, January 19, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow ...

That's the song all over southeast America today!! In my 3 years in Atlanta, it is the first snowfall that I have seen, and boy, was it beautiful! Magical is the word really. I'm sure my friends up north don't consider it a big deal, but that's because when it starts snowing in the north east, it does not stop until April. But in Atlanta, knowing the fact that it is going to stay only for a couple of hours makes the experience much more enchanting.

Meanwhile, the year has been off to a great start with a lot of trips lined up. If everything goes as planned, then there is some international travel (South America may be??), some trips within the US, and a lot of exploration of India that is on the cards.

Though this is coming a little late, I wish everybody a great 2008, blessed with tons and tons of travel, adventure, time with family and loved ones, and moments that fulfill your destiny!

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