Wednesday, May 9, 2007

And the journey begins ...

Another morning, another move from an apartment, end of another era, and yes, yet another trip! I fly out to Europe at 4:45 PM tomorrow, and will be in Switzerland from 10th to 14th May. Ashutosh (a friend from undergrad who everybody *lovingly* calls guptaji) is waiting with his entourage of desi friends to show me around the place and treat me to the desi dinners that are ubiquitous all over the world and know no national boundaries :)

I'll try to keep the blog updated - depends on where and when I get internet access. It does not seem like the youth hostel that I'm staying at in Zurich ( will have internet access, but I'm just glad to have found a place that cheap in Zurich. I'm there for only one night, and after that I'm with Gupta the whole while (and hence, not paying for boarding/lodging!).

Now I really should get some sleep - will need that for all the last minute errands that I have to run in the day (it's 4 am in the morning right now!!)

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