Friday, May 4, 2007

Changes changes ...

Well after what seemed like an eternity, I'm going to be awarded another degree this Saturday. I'm supposed to be elated, on top of the world, happy and all those good things, but somehow all I can think about is finishing up work, and packing for the month of traveling ahead (YES, I'm traveling to India - AGAIN!).

Had been lazy about finishing up things, and now the situation calls for such drastic action that I might have to work/plan/pack while cutting down my sleep to just a couple of hours. I guess subconsciously I wanted this week to be this hectic so that the trip to come feels like a vacation - coz otherwise I was on some sort of a vacation for the last 4 months :)

Anyways, time to hit the sack - but keep checking out my blog during the next 1 month - I'll try to keep things updated here about the trip to Switzerland, Punjab and Leh (looks like a cocktail of places to visit in a month!!). And yeah, about the rest of the posts on the wedding, I'll try to chuck in a an hour or so to clear the writing backlog!

1 comment:

The Crazy Apothecary said...

best way to keep in touch!